Open Risk Taker

by 06:13 0 comments

Open risk taker means a person or a business that tends to be present in a way that may cause financial loss or physical harm, but might also bring an opportunity for a rewarding outcome. A risk taker also will have a strong personality, charisma and confidence. They usually have a highly optimistic perception of risk and take a rational approach to decision-making.
Example: Bill Gates– Open Risk Taker

William Henry “Bill” Gates III who was born in 28th of October,1955,he is an American business magnate, philanthropist, investor, computer programmer and inventor. He is also a Chief Executive Officer of Microsoft before and currently taking a new post as technology advisor to support newly supported CEO Satya Nadella. Bill Gates is also one of the best-known entrepreneurs of the personal computer revolution.

Bill Gates is a risk taker entrepreneur, he used to big titles, but he didn’t come without big risks. Being an entrepreneur in itself is a risky endeavour, but from a young age, Bill Gates has consistently made big moves to get what he wants. During his high school time, Bill Gates wrote a class-scheduling program, which included tweaked code that ensured he end up in in classes with only female students. In 1975, he contacted the creator of new micro-computer, Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems (MITS) and lie on them he was working in a group on an interpreting program for their product. This lew was made by Bill Gates just becuse he wanted to gain interest and attention of the company when the president agreed to a demo meeting, he then developed the system with his business partner Paul Allen and lastly the meeting was success. From this story, it is clearly shown that Bill Gates is an open risk taker who dare to lie on big companies and just want to give a try on gaining interest of the company. He was bearing the risk of destroying his own reputation and trust from that company, but as a risk taker, he still determined in developing system and lastly proposed to the micro-computer company. 

Next, Bill Gates do not have a concrete study plan while a student at Harvard University, he spent a lot of time in using computers. He dropped out of Harvard when he saw the opportunity to start own computer software company. Gates was so confident in starting his own business and luckily his family were supportive of him after seeing how much Gates wanted to start a company. Bill Gates can bear the risk of being failed in starting his own company and being jobless but he still dropped out just because of wanted to pursue his dream to be an entrepreneur of computing software.
Bill Gates mentioned a statement in his book which is “To be a market leader, you have to have a big goals. You can’t just look at the past or the current state of the market. You also have to look at where it’s likely to go, and where it might go under certain circumstances, and then direct your company according to your best predictions.” To win big, sometimes you have to take a big risks. Big bets mean bog failures as well as success was inevitable. But at the time we made our big bets, including starting the company as the first personal computer software firm, most people thought we would fail.” From this statement itself, it meant a lot. Although most of people look down on Bill Gates on starting his own computer software, but he was determined and taking high risk to do that. As he mentioned, people will time to time discourage us in doing something crazy but it is our life, we have the right to own it. If we had weighed put a situation and believe the risk is necessary, we can start our own business as well.

Gates was a successful entrepreneur whereby he was included in the Forbes list of the world’s wealthiest people and being the wealthiest overall from 1995 to 2014 and excluding a few years after the financial crisis of 2007 to 2008. Still, Gates is currently the richest man in the world.

Leadership, Inspiration and Business Entrepreneur


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