
by 06:30 0 comments
Visionary is a trait that in person, who can think or plan the future with imagination or wisdom. A visionary person also can be defined as a person who with a clear, distinctive, and specific vision of the future. 
Example: Akihiko Otsuka – Visionary

Akihiko Otsuka, son of Masahito Otsuka, the second Chairman of Otsuka Pharmaceutical. When the age of 35, Akuhiko Otsuka became the head of Otsuka Pharmaceutical Factory.

In year 1973, the head of the development department, Rokuro Harima has introduced Akihiko Otsuka the idea of intravenous fluids to drink. However, Akihiko Otsuka said it is not the right time to produce intravenous fluids for drinking. In the year of 1976, when Akihiko Otsuka became the third Chairman of Otsuka Pharmaceutical, he felt that it was the right time to produce the intravenous fluids for drinking because at that time, Japanese societies were putting their first priority to their health.

After the experiments that time taken for nearly three years, Akihisa Takaichi has manages to create an infusion fluids and decided to market it with the name of “Pocari Sweat”. In April 1980, the sales of Pocari Sweat have begun. Marketing department of Pocari Sweat started their distribution to public in the local area because they refused and did not believe these products will be sold in their stores. And at the same time, Akihiko Otsuka made a decision to continue the distribution of the drinks, Pocari Sweat for free with a mass in the sport area, sauna and working area. Although the company is making a heavy loss during that time, Akihiko Otsuka continues to perform the free distribution of the drinks as he was convinced that the drink, Pocari Sweat will be successful and profitable to the company in the future. In year 1981, the demand from the public for Pocari Sweat is increasing as the weather on that time is increasing hot. Finally, Pocari Sweat has attracted the interest of all the community and was well known throughout Japan as well as other countries.

As a conclusion, Akihiko Otsuka is a visionary man. He believes that there will be a right time to create a new healthy beverage product with the idea of Rokuro Harima as well as never give up when the experiment. Up to now, Pocari Sweat is sold in 16 countries. But then, at the year of 2014, 11th of November, Akihiko Otsuka died and the cause was cardiac arrest.

Leadership, Inspiration and Business Entrepreneur


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